This FAQ is designed for those student (and their parent) who plan to purse college or university students in the USA and who may need professional counseling services to expand their options and get into the best possible college or university of their choice.
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Hot Questions
Are my chances better if I apply for certain areas of study?
In the USA, colleges and universities, in their liberal arts tradintion, would encourage or require students to take a wide range of courses in their first year or two before choosing a major field of study to complete for the bachelor's degree.
Colleges and universities in the US offer many fields of study that high school curricula do not cover, and admissions officer know college students would change their minds even if they have specified a certain area of study. Unless it is required (e.g premed or business programs where it can be very competitive), you do not have to specify an area of study when you apply. Your chances can be better if you are able to show a strong sense of purpose in your long-term acadmic or career goal throughout your application.
Do local or international high schools have a better chance to get into the top universities?
Many top US colleges and universities are informed on the school profiles and the core curriculum of the top high schools around the world. They also know excellent students can be found throughout all of US's top schools as the not-so-well-known schools. International schools may have students and counselors more familiar with the US higher education system to start,but admissions have been based more on the applicant's own academic merits,personal qualities and potential more than where the applicant is graduated from.