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This FAQ is designed for those student (and their parent) who plan to purse college or university students in the USA and who may need professional counseling services to expand their options and get into the best possible college or university of their choice.
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Hot Questions
Choosing A College
How hard is it get into the Ivy League and top US university?
There are probably more than 1000 applications to the Ivy League and the top 10 US university from China each year based on records in recent years (an average number of over 50 applications from China to the top 20 US schools per school).The number accepted may average less than 5 per school each year. The acceptance rate is less than 10%.That compares with the schools,40-50% at major public or state universities, and 70% at all colleges and universities for applicants nationwide in the US.
Universities have become more selective as the babies of the baby-boom generations come of age and apply to colleges en masse,Forget what people tell you from their own earlier experiences(even those from 3-4years ago may no longer be valid). The situation is changing fast from year to year. The good news is,however,more help is available.
What's the difference between going to a public and private university?
Public or state university in general offer more programs,more courses,more opportunities,more diversity,a richer campus life,but have larger freshman classes,more TA's doing the teaching,entry level courses fully registered early,and are less expensive.
Private universities in general are more selective in admissions,have smaller class sizes,more discussion classes,and fewer lectures but taught by the faculty,better faculty/student ratio,a more personal atmosphere,and are more expensive.